Do you help a family member, friend or neighbour who needs support because the person is:
- Frail
- Has a long term Health condition
- Has a physical disability
- Has a learning disability
- Has a chronic illness
- Has a mental illness that means they need support to cope
- Has a substance misuse problem with drugs or alcohol?
Please let your Doctor know if you are caring for someone. You or the person you care for might need extra support, for example, if you need to go into hospital for your own needs, or you are unwell. Carers have extra health risks, for example, back and neck injuries, stress related conditions and nutritional problems.
The practice has a Carer Lead, Alison Thomas; please ask to speak with her. If she is not available then leave your details and she will contact as soon as possible.
When you tell us that you are caring for someone, we will place your details on our carer register so that practice staff are aware you are a carer. We will not share this knowledge with anyone else unless you tell us that we can. We may offer you other services to help you care for your own health.
We will try to help you if your caring responsibilities mean that you have difficulties attending appointments.
Help and support
If you are giving regular and substantial help to the person that you care for, you may be entitled to a Social Services Carers Assessment. The Assessment gives you advice and information.
You and the person you care for may be entitled to practical help and support. Contact the Social Services Department where the cared for person lives to ask for an assessment. This is a free service.
Join your local carer's information service
This service will send you a regular newsletter about services and support available for carers including those which help you get a break from caring. It is free to join.
Contact the carers team on 01202 458204.
You can register for the Carers in Crisis Service, they can help you if you have an emergency or are unwell the person that you care for will be looked after. It is best to do this prior any possible emergency, as registration can take 3 to 4 weeks. Once the plan is set up, you will have peace of mind of knowing that help is just a phone call away if you need it.
Useful contact numbers:
Bournemouth and Poole Carers Team (01202) 458204
Bournemouth Social Services (01202) 454979
Carers Lead, The Panton Practice (01202) 411700
NHS Carers Support Guide